Getting Started
- Engage in an intense self-study. Explore options. Clarify values and goals. Relate
interest and abilities to educational and career plans. Continue to gather information.
- Determine your advisor.

- Make your appointment early.
- Keep your appointment or call in advance to cancel so that someone else may have the
time slot.
- Be on time.
- Review materials received at PREP or during previous appointments before your appointment.
- Read the course descriptions of courses in the curriculum before you go to the advising
- Write down any questions you wish to ask your advisor.
- Take appropriate materials to the advising appointment (pencil/pen, catalog, major
information, etc.)
- Follow through on referrals and recommendations made during the advising session.
Records Management and Privacy
The Student Success Center adheres to ÍøÆØÃÅ's policy regarding student privacy.Ìý Information
about this policy is available on the Registrar's Office website at