ÍøÆØÃÅ has over 90 years of student success, and that
same commitment to student success is available online. ÍøÆØÃÅ offers over 35 degree
programs 100% online, with student resources and a caring community to support you
while you earn your degree. Accelerate your journey with our 8-week courses to reach
your goals sooner. Join our Warhawk family and find out why we say...
"The Best is on the Bayou!"
Spring semester is fast approaching!
Please reach out if you need a student ID or have questions about our online programs!
Please contact your advisor or email onlinedegrees@ulm.edu with any questions!
Find out How to Apply!
ÍøÆØÃÅÌý participates in the Southern Regional Education Board's (SREB) Electronic Campus.
For more information about the university, it's accreditation and online learning,
see resources.
Designated as a
Governor’sÌýMilitaryÌýand Veteran
Friendly Campus