Submit an A-Z Suggestion
Your suggestions for an A-Z entry are most welcome. The goal of the A-Z index is to
provide another resource to help you quickly find Web pages within the ÍøÆØÃÅ Web Site.
There are a few guidelines on what ÍøÆØÃÅ Web pages can be accepted for the A-Z index:
- Links to individual ÍøÆØÃÅ faculty, staff or students are not included in this A-Z index.
Instead, use the ÍøÆØÃÅ Search page to locate this contact information.
- In general, links to each of ÍøÆØÃÅ's colleges, departments and certain academic programs
are about as "deep" as the A-Z index links go. There are always exceptions to this
guideline and suggestions will always be judged to see if and how they might fit in
this A-Z index.
- Web pages within Web sites which require a login/password, such as the myÍøÆØÃÅ portal ( or other pages with a secure server protocol (https://) cannot be linked to, except
to the "landing" or login page.
- Athletics-based links are outside the realm of this A-Z index. Please visit ÍøÆØÃÅ for complete information about Warhawk athletics.
- When you suggest an A-Z link, please supply the complete URL of the listing (i.e.
/biology) and any "key" words that may be associated with the A-Z
- If found viable, an A-Z suggestion may take several days for updating.
Click here to submit your A-Z suggestion.
Thanks again for your input to ÍøÆØÃÅ's A-Z index!