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ÍøÆØÃÅ Online bachelor’s program in top 100 by U.S. News & World Report

Published Feb. 3, 2022




U.S. News & World Report recently released its 2022 rankings of online programs from accredited universities.


ÍøÆØÃÅ Online’s Bachelor of Business ranks 89th, placing it among the top 100 programs in the country. A total of 381 U.S. universities were surveyed.


ÍøÆØÃÅ Online’s overall rank in Bachelor’s Degree Programs is 232, and ranks among the top 135-179 in Best Online Master of Nursing Programs.


Why ÍøÆØÃÅ Online

The demand to have a university degree continues to rise, and the University of Louisiana Monroe’s ÍøÆØÃÅ Online provides remote learners with the tools necessary to prepare and advance in a range of careers. ÍøÆØÃÅ Online offers more than 35 programs.


"It is important that ÍøÆØÃÅ Online is recognized for the quality and range of its degree programs. At whatever stage of their college career, from first-time freshmen to doctoral candidates, ÍøÆØÃÅ Online is dedicated to helping them achieve academic success. These rankings confirm that ÍøÆØÃÅ Online is a valuable option for obtaining a college degree," said Jessica Griggs, ÍøÆØÃÅ Online director.


ÍøÆØÃÅ Online has received high scores from other companies specializing in ranking degree programs.
