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March 10, 2006
ÍřĆŘĂĹ Students Win Nine Prestigious ADDY Awards
University of Louisiana at Monroe students were well represented at this year’s renowned ADDY Awards program, as they walked away with nine Student ADDY Awards.
ÍřĆŘĂĹ students, ranging from such diverse majors as business administration and arts and sciences, submitted a total of 20 student entries in the AAF (American Advertising Federation) Student ADDY Awards Competition section.
The following students earned these awards:
- Paula Ramirez, Natalie Newton, and Mike Boles: Special Judges Award for “Best Use of an Unintentional Pun in a Fictitious Product Name”
- Paula Ramirez, Natalie Newton, and Mike Boles: Gold ADDY for “White Collar”
- Gayberyl Wesley: Gold ADDY for “Diva”
- Kerri Shields: Gold ADDY for “Tonic Body Wash”
- Stephanie Smith: Gold ADDY for “In Memory of Janice”
- Melissa Cascio: Silver ADDY for “Personage Elite"
- Paula Ramirez, Natalie Newton, and Mike Boles: Silver ADDY for “Gentleman’s Beer”
- Paula Ramirez, Natalie Newton, and Mike Boles: Silver ADDY for “White Collar-Just Helps”
- Paula Ramirez, Natalie Newton, and Mike Boles: Silver ADDY for “All-American Boys”
Paula Ramirez encountered several recruiters at a recent national Pi Sigma Epsilon competition and experienced the prestige of winning an ADDY Award, especially as a student.
"Their jaws hit the floor when I told them I had won some [ADDY] awards,” Ramirez said. “Even Target was impressed and awaiting my e-mail, and also an agency in San Francisco who has Well's Fargo as a client. This is going to open a lot of doors for me."
According to the AAF, the not-for-profit industry association that administers the ADDY Awards via 200 member advertising clubs and 15 districts, this student competition is designed especially for college students. This category allows work entered at a local level to advance up to regional and national judging, just like the work entered by professionals across the U.S.
As stated on the AAF website, “The ADDY Awards represent the true spirit of creative excellence by recognizing all forms of advertising from media of all types.”
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