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College of Health Sciences
Health Studies

Complaint Procedures

The following complaint procedures are specific to the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

Grade Appeal Procedure

The academic grade appeal provides a fair means for appealing a final grade in a course if the student believes the final grade to have been determined unfairly. Procedures for appealing a final grade can be found in the most current edition of the Student Policy Manual.

Student Policy Manual/Student Handbook - Academics and Procedures

Non-Academic Complaint Procedure

To file an informal or formal complaint against another university student, service or department, follow the steps listed in the Student Policy Manual: Student Complaint Policy, to determine your next role in reporting a complaint/grievance to the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Read completely, the Procedures for Complaint Resolutions, posted in the Student Policy Manual, before continuing with the process.

Student Policy Manual/Student Handbook - Student Complaint Policy